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Let ’em know how much you care.

There’s a saying that’s come up in a handful of very different conversations lately. The saying goes, “No one will care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

After our awards luncheon in May as part of our Ethics in Business & Community program, I heard so much feedback about the GOOD people in the room. Five Stone Tax Advisers gives a THIRD of their profits to charity, and hopes to be able to give even more. Silicon Labs CEO Tyson Tuttle talked about how they invest in youth development because it strengthens our whole community, not just their business. I heard countless recollections from folks learning about people and organizations for the first time – not about what their expertise is, but about how they CARE.

Think about the business implications of a successful first impression – walls come down, and the relationship deepens. I may not need your product or your services right now, but instead of just dismissing our encounter I promise I will keep you in mind once I know how much you care.

Hiring practices support that feeling, too – 82% of respondents to a recent Deloitte survey said they were more likely to choose a job candidate with volunteer experience, and 85% said they were willing to overlook resume flaws when a candidate includes volunteering on that resume. There’s not a product or service for sale, but the candidate’s fit for a position is certainly being pitched, and to me that feels so real! I think many business leaders in Central Texas would agree with those respondents, as would I.

I have such a different feeling about someone when I hear what they care about instead of hearing what they have to sell. I love hearing about cool new products or services and learning about people’s skill sets too, but connecting to someone’s passion is a POWERFUL connection. As RecognizeGood creates more opportunities for Central Texans to connect through GOOD, I’m beyond excited about the ripple effects we’ll see!

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Joel Coffman – Executive Director

Joel Coffman is the executive director at RecognizeGood. He received a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of North Texas in 2008 and has grown with RecognizeGood and its for-profit partner the TyRex Technology Family since 2013. Joel’s passionate about strengthening the Central Texas community through GOOD and his favorite part of the job is finding opportunities to connect those selfless servants he meets with each other and extend the “circle of good.”

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