OUR GOAL: WE CONNECT local companies and local nonprofits, bringing Central Texans from all sectors together to build mutually beneficial understanding.

The Business in Community program focuses on the idea that investment from both the business and community sectors in forming deeper, more meaningful connections through engaging experiences benefits not only companies and nonprofits, but the people who make up both and help our community thrive.

For businesses, that means going beyond checkbook philanthropy.

“If you’re in business at a company who in the next 10 years doesn’t find a way to completely integrate profit and purpose then in 10 years you won’t be in business. When it becomes less something that’s over here in HR, or over here in community relations, and it becomes the CEO’s priority because he or she understands it’s the key to success and longevity, I think those are the businesses that will survive and thrive.”
Matt Kouri, CEO
Mission Capital

For nonprofits, that means going beyond the sponsorship “ask”.

“What I tell board members is that building relationships with businesses, and with the community at large, is well worth the investment. We want people involved with us who care deeply about our mission, because what those volunteers are going to give is going to be so much stronger than the one-time situation.”
John Doe

Good Matters

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