We would love to have you as a sponsor for our Ethics in Business Awards Event. Consider the sponsorship levels below and help us continue this worthwhile community event. Please contact us to find out more about sponsorship opportunities!

Leadership Sponsor – $10,000 (only 5 sponsorships available at this level)

As a Leadership Sponsor you will have naming rights to one of the five awards given at the Ethics in Business Awards event, with first option to renew for the following year. Your company name will be engraved on the glass award for the recipient. In addition you will receive:

  • Presenting sponsor for one (1) Ethics in Business Award
  • Opportunity to present award at Ethics in Business Awards Luncheon
  • Opportunity to join the RecognizeGood Champions Circle and participate in the Lifetime Achievement Award selection panel
  • Two (2) tables at the Ethics in Business Awards Luncheon – second table can be donated to a community member of your choosing or back to RecognizeGood
  • Opportunity to host one RecognizeGood #GOODTalks monthly meetup
  • All benefits included with lower sponsorship level

Community Sponsor – $5,000

As a Community Sponsor you would receive individual recognition at the awards luncheon including the presentation of a framed Community Sponsor plaque. In addition you will receive:

  • Presenting sponsor at Ethics in Business Alumni Reception or Ethics in Business Awards pre-luncheon coffee (first come basis)
  • Opportunity to be a featured speaker at RecognizeGood GOODTalks monthly meetup
  • All benefits included with lower sponsorship levels

Mentor Sponsor – $2,500

As a Mentor Sponsor you would receive a framed Community Mentor plaque. In addition you will receive:

  • Presenting sponsor at one Legend award presentation and one Lighthouse award presentation, with speaking role
  • Website, social media, email signature graphic
  • Logo on all Ethics in Business Awards collateral, print deadlines permitting
  • All benefits included with lower sponsorship levels

Table Sponsor – $1,750

  • One (1) table for ten guests at the Ethics in Business Awards Luncheon
  • Name on all Ethics in Business Awards collateral, print deadlines permitting

Program Sponsors




Good Matters

Tell us about yours today