Thanks for checking out RecognizeGood’s Ethics in Business Self-Assessment. This set of 44 questions is being used as a guide for examiners of Ethics in Business Award candidates, but can also be used as a tool for individuals or organizations who do not wish to be considered for this award. Please begin by providing contact information for the individual we can reach out to with information and instructions for the Ethics in Business Award, and clicking on Submit. Joining the Ethics in Business Alliance is not required to participate in the Ethics in Business Award program or any other RecognizeGood programs.

A response to each self-assessment question is required. Individuals and organizations can self-select their Ethics in Business Award category. If an organization has multiple branches around the state or around the country, it is up to each organization whether they’d like to consider their local employee count or total employee count. If an individual and his or her organization are both nominated, either or both category may be selected. Self-nominations are welcome!

Ethics in Business Self-Assessment
Join the Ethics in Business Alliance? (not required to apply for award)

Good Matters

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