Ricardo Zavala 2024 Legend

Ricardo Zavala

From scholarships to community-building, Ricardo Zavala has served his east Austin neighborhood tirelessly for over 11 years through the nonprofit Dove Springs Proud.

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For the past 11 years, Ricardo Zavala has proudly served the 78744 area as the president of Dove Springs Proud (DSP), a nonprofit organization comprised of people who live, work, or have lived in the area. DSP’s mission is to support residents in the area, specifically youth – Ricardo and his team have served over 7,000 members of their community by raising money for families to provide them with medical, funeral, and academic financial assistance!

The organization has given out over 90 college scholarships to date with over 1,200 volunteer members involved. In addition to raising money, DSP holds events that provide children and families with an opportunity to form a community with those around them and the events provide a safe space for families to enjoy themselves. One is an annual “Superhero Day,” held at a local park to teach kids the importance of cleaning up their parks, learning about wildlife, and playing together. Another is an annual youth leadership summit where Ricardo brings together young members of the community in hopes of inspiring them to see a brighter future.

With a deep passion for helping others and a love for his community, Ricardo is the foundation of the all-volunteer organization. He’s made DSP an amazing resource for members of the 78744 community. In orchestrating a scholarship fund to help students in the area be able to attend college, he’s helped many students toward their academic goals. He also sponsors events at every nearby school to help with perfect attendance, essay contests and clean-up projects.

DSP volunteer Monica Maldonado says that Ricardo remains dedicated to DSP despite working full-time and having a family, and that he takes on all projects that come his way with care. “It’s inspiring to witness Ricardo create hope and opportunities for our youth!” she says. “He’s a person of his word who is trusted by others, and is a great friend to turn to when you need guidance.”