Kirsten Voinis
Over the past nine years, Kirsten Voinis has delivered over 43,000 pounds of food to Saint Louise House families.
Over the past nine years, Kirsten Voinis has delivered over 43,000 pounds of food to Saint Louise House families. But that is just the tip of the iceberg of the many ways Kirsten has supported families on their journeys from homelessness to healthy, independent lives.
The mission of Saint Louise House is to empower women and their children to overcome homelessness for generations to come. Kirsten has devoted her time, talent, and treasure to this mission for the past nine years.
Kirsten started her service to Saint Louise House families as a food bank volunteer, picking up food bank orders from the Central Texas Food Bank and delivering them to the food pantry at Saint Louise House. Foodbank orders average 400 pounds a week and she has delivered orders once a month for the past nine years. In addition to her time, Kirsten has contributed her talent to Saint Louise House in many ways. As a communications professional, she donated her skills to help develop the communications strategy and establish a social media presence. As a board member, she has tirelessly advocated for Saint Louise House families in the community, sharing the story and inviting new donors into a community of support. She established and implemented an extremely successful peer-to-peer fundraising strategy for an Amplify Austin campaign that doubled contributions through individual fundraisers.
“Kirsten has never failed to share generously of her treasure with Saint Louise House and is a member of our Legacy Circle, our most committed and loyal donors,” says Maria Kiehn, Director for Community of Support at Saint Louise House.
Saint Louise House isn’t the only organization to benefit from Kirsten’s commitment to serving the community – she is also a volunteer, supporter, and former board chair/member at the Austin Diaper Bank. Many times, she has used her role with each organization to make connections that help meet the needs of families throughout Central Texas.