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2016 Legend Dianne Doggett

For the last 11 years Dianne made a huge impact on the Autism Society of Central Texas, connecting hundreds of other parents in the autism community to the information, experts, and support that they need.

RecognizeGood honored Dianne Doggett of the Autism Society of Central Texas with the 57th RecognizeGood® Legend award in a presentation at the Old Quarry Library (7051 Village Center Dr, Austin, TX 78731), beginning at 10:30 am on Friday, June 24nd, 2016. During this event, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation to the Autism Society of Central Texas in Dianne’s name.

Since 2005, Dianne, parent to a teenage son with autism, coordinates a monthly Autism Treatment Forum through the Autism Society of Central Texas (ASCT). She faithfully brings expert speakers to talk about autism-related topics to help Central Texas parents stay connected. The meetings are free and open to the public. However, Autism spectrum disorders are simply hard for others to understand or relate to. Many symptoms of autism are completely outside others’ experience. Dianne helped solve that problem for hundreds of Central Texas parents of children with developmental disabilities. She connected families them with the latest information, with leading experts, and with each other.

With no cure currently in existence, family members can lean on this informational support group. Firstly, they are able to learn about new or creative interventions. Additionally, they receive frequent emails about local autism events and resources. Dianne also presents her own expert perspective on topics like restful sleep and nutritional treatments. She served on the board of directors at Autism Society Central Texas as well. Furthermore, she supported the organization’s fundraisers and other activities in countless other ways. Previous board president at ASCT Ann Hart gushes over the impact on parents that she’s seen Dianne make firsthand. “Dianne has helped literally hundreds of parents navigate life with autism by sharing information and advice,” says Ann. “In short, she’s every nonprofit’s dream volunteer – totally dependable and wonderful to work with.”

As a 2016 Legend, Dianne is now eligible to participate in RecognizeGood’s Say Thanks Austin campaign.

This annual event presents Central Texas with a unique opportunity to say “thank you”. Participants are a group of remarkable individuals who contribute their time and talents to our community. The participant with the most Thank You votes receives a pay-it-forward donation of $10,000 to the nonprofit of their choice.

View Dianne’s official Legend page, including video and photos from her presentation ceremony.

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