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“Board Updates” from John Bosch, Co-founder and President, 2014: Issue 3

The idea of RecognizeGood found its origin on a drive back to Texas from my boyhood home in rural North Central Kansas. I had just put my dad and brother into the same nursing home, in the same room. My dad’s mind and body were both rapidly diminishing. My brother Jim, who has lived with cerebral palsy from birth, was living in a semi self-sufficient assisted living facility in Wichita, and then out of the blue suffered a stroke that cost him the use of his remaining functional limbs. My being 716 miles away and spinning out of control, two angels came to my aid.

I owe my eternal thanks to Barbara and Sheryl as well as my family, for their support and angel-like involvement with my dad and brother. How do you thank someone when your 1,000th thank you is still not good enough? I bet everyone has experienced a feeling of inadequate gratitude at some time in their life. The answer: RecognizeGood, initially a public social media program which provided anyone the ability to give a special, personalized thanks – to announce to the world, “This person is special.”

RecognizeGood has grown from that inspiration in August 2007, and is celebrating its seventh anniversary this month. Our Legends program has recognized over 40 ordinary, extraordinary individuals, and we continue to say thanks to each of our Legends for Life. RecognizeGood has sprouted into six unique programs, all contributing to our mission of illuminating the GOOD in our communities and encouraging others to contribute.

I have personally met many special people who support RecognizeGood, and I would like to tell the world that each of them deserves a RecognizeGood THANK YOU!

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