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“Board Updates” from John Bosch, Co-founder and President, 2014: Issue 4

Did you look for the GOOD in our community today? I’m regularly asked how our RecognizeGood organization finds the incredible individuals who become our Legends. The answer to this question is somewhat remarkable, but my response is always short and simple: if you look for the GOOD in our communities, you are certain to find it – not only as an isolated incident, but in bunches. There are acts of kindness and generosity happening all the time, creating future Legends in just about any place in our community you can imagine.

Many times, individuals who give their heart and hard work are humble individuals who do not seek the spotlight. It’s true that issues of fear and concern, issues that threaten us or our families, often dominate the airwaves and attempt to block the light and illumination that comes from doing GOOD. However, it is an absolute truism that if you are able to focus on the GOOD that surrounds you, it is guaranteed to change your life in a positive way. First, you will be humbled by the effort and energy contributed by others.  Searching for GOOD will, in short order, become addictive. You will find yourself needing to feel the warmth generated by acts of kindness. The more GOOD you absorb, the more likely you are to disregard an unkind act or negativity that may come your way.

The bottom line? The longer you can stay focused on GOOD, the shorter your emotional down times become. By this self-direction, you can not only enhance your life, but it can become contagious to friends, family, and co-workers. Heck, you may be inspired to commit a random act of kindness for a complete stranger! Publicly recognizing Good in your daily life via not only honors and acknowledges the recipient, but also inspires and encourages others to join in.

In closing, there is something new at RecognizeGood – when someone says THANK YOU for your generosity, the proper RecognizeGood response is YOU’RE WELCOME. So THANK YOU for taking your valuable time to read this edition of the RecognizeGood Newsletter. And your response is …

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