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“Board Updates” from John Bosch, Co-founder and President, 2015: Issue 1

One word we often use at RecognizeGood is “WOW”! This edition of the RecognizeGood newsletter is filled with WOWs. Sometimes I wonder what’s beyond WOW – maybe double WOW?? Some of the articles describing various individual groups or events are seemingly beyond my ability to grasp and comprehend. The mission of RecognizeGood is simply to illuminate the GOOD in our businesses and communities, hoping to inspire others while creating a greater sense of business and community self-values.

WOW to the RecognizeGood Legends TEAM, led by George Mihalcik and Joel Coffman, as the Legends program holds its 46th ceremony and reflects on receiving more than 179,000 Thank You votes from 174 Texas cities, 47 states and 44 countries worldwide. A special thanks goes out to Austin mayor Steve Adler for his support of this program, and a doubly-special thanks to Karen Faulkner of Student Charities along with the entire Legends class of 2014 for their selfless contributions to our community.

As far as our Legends for Life, like John Lorek – WOW! Betty Hendrix, after 70 consecutive years of community service with the Red Cross – double WOW! Oh, and did you read that the Austin Downtown Lions Club will celebrate its 100th year of community service in 2016? It is the oldest Lions Club in the world. Triple WOW!

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the two newest RecognizeGood programs – the Lighthouse Award program, recognizing outstanding service organizations, and the Ethics in Youth Education (EiYEd) program, which is an extension of the existing RG Ethics in Business & Community and RG Speaker Series programs. The mission of EiYEd is to educate students, summer interns and entry-level employees on basic business ethics awareness, good decision-making and self-branding an ethical identity, along with resume creation which includes a cultural identity section.

RecognizeGood covered a lot of ground this quarter. I can’t wait to see what’s ahead, but I’m betting it’s something GOOD. Thanks for listening![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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