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“Board Updates” from John Bosch, Co-founder and President, 2016: Issue 1

The beginning of the year is always a particularly busy time for RecognizeGood, and surprisingly it is also a time for tributes and reflection.

For starters, the annual “Say Thanks, Austin” event held at city hall with Mayor Adler in February is a truly amazing celebration. The collective service to our community exemplified by our Legends Class of 2015 was again extraordinary, and to quote Bobby Jenkins, “Saying thanks to people who have done great things touches our lives.”

And so here is the real revelation – these people will not stop here. They will continue to do extraordinary things for our community long past their RecognizeGood Legends recognition! This revelation never ceases to amaze me, even after six years of Legends.

Meanwhile, RecognizeGood’s Lighthouse Award program, which recognizes community service organizations in the Austin area, capped off a very successful year by acknowledging five extraordinary community service organizations. In partnership with iRex’s 2 Groups / One Family initiative, RecognizeGood is already seeking out more good within special service clubs to recognize in 2016.

The 2016 Ethics in Business & Community Awards program also announced their 2016 finalists at the annual Alumni Gathering held at Concordia University Texas. The May 19th awards program continues to grow in attendance as the program’s awareness within the community expands more and more each year. With this in mind, the Ethics in Business & Community leadership will soon be announcing the program’s expansion into becoming the vehicle for taking up the responsibility of maintaining our community’s business playing fields. I strongly believe that the fundamentals of a healthy business playing field can be sourced to its ethical business practices along with an engaged, committed business in community partnership.

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