Bill Taylor - Legend

Bill Taylor

Over three decades worth of mentorship.

After 35 years of volunteering with Junior Achievement teaching just about every program offered, Bill Taylor is an education all-star.

Bill Taylor has made a career out of giving back. He graduated from UT Austin in 1975 with an electrical engineering degree, then spent the first part of his career with petrochemical plants in Houston before a 26-year tenure with 3M focusing on cable product development. Over the span of his career, Bill dedicated time to industry trade organizations and nonprofits like Meals on Wheels, but his real passion was clear – teaching young people.

Bill began teaching with Junior Achievement while living in Houston, then when his career moved to 3M Austin he requested to continue that work in the state capital. In a typical school year, Bill has taught about ten JA classes, and he’s taught just about every program offered. Known to students as “Mr. Bill,” he loves sharing his knowledge with young people and to date, he’s been doing just that for over 35 years.

“Besides being so rewarding, teaching JA also improved my presentation and speaking skills, keeps me younger by working with students, allows me to give back to my community, and also keeps me learning,” says Bill. “I think by helping students be better prepared for being productive employees and financially literate, we are helping the future be better for everyone.”

Bill was recognized as 3M’s Corporate Volunteer of the Year in 1997 – little did everyone know at the time that he was just getting started! Outside of JA, Bill volunteers as a judge at science fairs, volunteers with Meals on Wheels and BookSpring, plus advocates in his industry as part of the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering.

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