Bob Pursley Legend

Bob Pursley

Bob has dedicated himself to the Girl Scouts programs for four decades!

Bob Pursley has dedicated himself to the Girl Scouts programs for 40 years.  In fact, as those who know him best will tell you, “dedicated” is likely an understatement.  At the urging of his two nieces, Bob initially joined Girl Scouts as a troop leader alongside his wife– and after her life was tragically claimed by breast cancer, he continued to carry on in her memory.  In his current position of Girl Scout Service Unit Director for Dripping Springs, Bob is in charge of guiding the 400+ adult volunteers who serve all the area Girl Scouts, coordinating the efforts of programming and service that Girl Scout troops engage in.  He has touched the lives of several thousand adult volunteers since joining the Girl Scouts of Central Texas in 2002.  Through his leadership and dedication, visibility has been boosted, the number of leadership roles filled by Girl Scouts at civic and community events has increased and adult volunteerism in his Girl Scouting community has risen.

Lolis Garcia-Babb, Director of Marketing and Communications for Girl Scouts of Central Texas, remembers her first encounters with Bob.  “When I started working at Girl Scouts, I received weekly emails from Bob making sure that I was aware of this or that, chiding me when council didn’t get something right, praising us when we did, but always with one goal in mind:  serving the girls in better and better ways,” Garcia-Babb recalls.  “Although all our volunteers are a special breed of human being, here was a man who clearly stood out.  Bob is what is good about Girl Scouts.”

As it turns out, the Girl Scouts of Central Texas are just one of the many communities Bob’s long life of service has touched.  After spending 26 years in the United States Navy in service to our country, Bob taught high school science for the next 19 years and earned a reputation for being tough, being fair, and always keeping his door open to students seeking extra guidance.  To this day, he hosts a tutoring website to help students with their homework.  Along with his wife, Bob raised 13 biological, adopted and fostered children.

“Mr. Pursley’s service beyond self is a model for others in our community,” touts Dripping Springs Mayor Todd Purcell.  “His dedication to Girl Scouting has developed a community network of adult volunteers that serve youth that reaches hundreds of girls in our community regardless of economic status and removes barriers to girl leadership experiences.”

Bob also serves on numerous Girl Scout committees at the council level to ensure that the best interest of the girls is always protected.  “He is fierce in this,” Garcia-Babb adds.  “Bob is never shy in speaking out and making sure that things are ‘done right’.  His acts of caring and service speak volumes about his ethics and unselfish giving and stand as an example to all our girl scouts of what a great leader looks like.”

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