Jack and Carol Legends


Boasting a 90% success rate and garnering over 25,000 collective volunteer hours from their supporters over 10 years, Carol Kallendorf-Speer and Jack Speer’s impact on formerly impoverished Austinites through the Dream Come True Foundation is enormous.

Boasting a 90% success rate and garnering over 25,000 collective volunteer hours from their supporters over 10 years, Carol Kallendorf-Speer and Jack Speer’s impact on formerly impoverished Austinites through the Dream Come True Foundation is enormous.

Twelve years ago, Carol and Jack realized that the system of helping deserving people rise out of poverty was not working. They conceptualized a system that relied on mentoring, financial support, and partnerships focusing on individuals who had a dream and the drive to leave poverty and become self-sufficient successful contributors to society. Through this vision and a lot of personal sacrifice, they started the Dream Come True Foundation with the goal to “…help people achieve their dreams – even against the greatest odds and through the most severe adversity.”

The Dream Come True Foundation partners with individuals and families to move them out of poverty through education, mentoring, financial assistance, and access to community partnerships. Equipping each “Dream Achiever” with the skills, knowledge, and inspiration to achieve their desired employment and earn enough financially, allowing them to dramatically change their and their family’s lives. The success of Dream Achievers often creates a domino effect in society by helping elevate others above poverty and encouraging them to further their education beyond high school.

It appears Carol and Jack have found the secret formula for helping raise others out of poverty by seeking out highly motivated individuals who just need a helping hand and giving them wrap-around mentoring customized to that individual’s needs. Carol and Jack also provide education and training resources to get them a $50K a year job – going beyond minimum wage to a wage to support a family.

The Dream Come True Foundation was founded in Austin, Texas, but has expanded to include Kingsville and the South Texas region where Dream Come True Foundation – South Texas is stationed and tailored to the unique needs of the South Texas Region. “I consider Jack and Carol true heroes and advocates for those in need,” says Heather Bailey, who works for the Dream Come True Foundation. “They believe in innovative approaches to making our organization better and continually look at how we can best serve those in need.”

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