Kevin Hines

For several years, Kevin Hines has been a tireless advocate for Wonders & Worries, dedicating countless hours of volunteer time and raising funding to support their mission to support children through a parent’s serious illness.

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For several years, Kevin Hines has been a tireless advocate for Wonders & Worries, dedicating countless hours of volunteer time and raising funding to support their mission to support children through a parent’s serious illness.

 Since 2001 Wonders & Worries has provided professional support for children and teenagers through a parent’s serious illness or injury, so that they can reach their full potential through developmental and coping support. Kevin was first introduced to Wonders & Worries in May of 2017. His daughter, Kirah, received support when her mom, Kourtney, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a long battle, Kourtney passed away on August 11, 2018. Kevin saw firsthand the need for children and teenagers to have the support from a group like Wonders & Worries to navigate this incredibly painful time in their lives. This inspired him to join their board in 2020, where he currently serves. Kevin works tirelessly in the community to advocate for Wonders & Worries’ services, raising funds and in-kind donations to support their work. 

In addition to fundraising, Kevin’s goal for his work with Wonders & Worries is to help as many people as possible by spreading the word. Kevin cares deeply about children’s mental health when their parent or caregiver is diagnosed with a life-changing illness or injury. Kevin once saw a woman at a grocery store wearing a cancer t-shirt, and he stopped to ask if she had children and how they were doing — the woman ended up connecting her kids with Wonders & Worries as a direct result of Kevin’s personable advocacy!

Kevin dedicates so much of his time talking with individuals and businesses, so that they understand the value of the specialized support Wonders & Worries provides. Everything Kevin does is for the love of his family, community, and desire to make the world a better place. Executive Director Alex Gabbi says of Kevin, “He epitomizes what it means to be a selfless, tireless, and dedicated volunteer. Well before his service on our Board of Directors, Kevin was an invaluable advocate, promoter, and supporter of Wonders & Worries’ services in the community. As a board member, he has always been willing to go above and beyond on behalf of the organization, serving on numerous board and event committees, using his large professional network to recruit more individuals and corporations to our cause. Kevin is quite simply a beacon of positivity.”