Tiffany Roberts Legend

Tiffany Roberts

When victims of massive fires in Bastrop had nowhere to turn, Tiffany took action, single-handedly organizing a flood of donated items to serve hundreds of families and raising over $100,000 through her Christmas Toy Drive.

Tiffany created a Facebook page that connected the victims of Bastrop fires to the help they needed. A nonprofit called Adopt-a-Family was formed as a result. For months Tiffany sat out on her front lawn with a computer and phone while hundreds of family members came by and either donated items or came to pick them up (fire victim’s that is). Tiffany and her husband were planning to move to Dallas, but they stayed and dedicated their time to the nonprofit that formed after her initial efforts to help the victims. She also was able to raise over $100,000 in her Christmas Toy Drive this year to give away to families who lost everything in the fire, so their children could have toys for Christmas.

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