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“Board Updates” from John Bosch, Co-founder and President, 2015: Issue 3

Karina Duque made a comment in her recognition of Donna Gun’s work with Africa’s Promise Village – she talked about how many people comment that “one day” they will do something significant. That “one day” for me came in 2008 when, with the support of Bobby Jenkins (ABC Home and Commercial Services) and Nancy Blaich (Samaritan Center), we formed RecognizeGood. Soon thereafter, Earl Maxwell (St. David’s Foundation) joined us in our vision to illuminate the GOOD in the world.

It is with amazement and humility that we celebrated the 50th RecognizeGood Legend presentation since 2010. My first acknowledgment is to my RecognizeGood partners for their continuous support of this amazing organization that has expanded into many different facets of illuminating the GOOD in our community. I also want to recognize the two individuals behind the RecognizeGood Legends program, Program Director George Mihalcik and Communications Director Joel Coffman, along with the entire RecognizeGood staff and all of its program volunteers. You are ALL doing a tremendous job and it is very much appreciated!

I also want to direct your attention to the RecognizeGood Lighthouse Award ceremony held on August 19th to honor the Round Rock Kiwanis Club – an organization that has been in existence for 63 years. For me, the most rewarding aspect of this Lighthouse presentation was seeing three individuals connected to this Kiwanis organization that had each been part of different RecognizeGood programs. Tino Hernandez is the father of RecognizeGood Legend Laura Orona, who founded Just Because Christmas while battling stage 4 cancer. The founder of 2014 Ethics in Business & Community awardee Wag-a-Bag, Nancy Raab, was also in attendance, along with Dawn Steele who is part of the Round Rock Partners in Education Foundation which partnered with the RecognizeGood Ethics in Youth Education program to develop a Student Summit for Round Rock High students seeking summer employment. Having these three individuals present, representing three different RecognizeGood programs, was reassuring in a very significant way and demonstrated an increased community awareness and overall program strength of the RecognizeGood’s illumination of GOOD in our community.

I hope you will take the time and read the latest edition of RecognizeGood News in its entirety, and celebrate with me each of these 50 RecognizeGood Legends. Each individual has an incredible story to tell. They are truly our community’s unsung heroes and resources in need of recognition and illumination.

Thank you RecognizeGood family for sharing my vision and making my personal “one day” a reality.

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