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Marilu Sanchez Honored For Thousands of Hours of Community Projects

While studying for her degree in Human Development and Family Science, Marilu Sanchez dedicated thousands of hours to others in need.

RecognizeGood honored Marilu Sanchez with the 76th RecognizeGood® Legend award in a presentation at Learning Ally (1314 W 45th Street, Austin TX 78756) on Friday, July 20, 2018. During this event, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation to Casa Marianella in Marilu’s name.

Marilu Sanchez didn’t just graduate from the University of Texas in 2017 with a degree – she also graduated with thousands of hours of volunteer work under her belt: sitting with hospice patients, developing programs for foster children, working on neighborhood restoration projects, and serving the homeless. In her outreach work, Marilu met foster children in group homes who had had few opportunities to explore nature. Compelled to do something, she worked with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department at McKinney Falls to develop programs in archery, fishing, and even crafting from nature especially for these youth. Marilu focuses on doing small things each day to change the world and to continue to spread help to those who need it.

As a 2018 Legend, Marilu is now eligible to participate in RecognizeGood’s Say Thanks Austin campaign, an annual event which presents Central Texas with a unique opportunity to say “thank you” to a group of remarkable individuals who contribute their time and talents to our community. The participant with the most Thank You votes receives a pay-it-forward donation of $10,000 to the nonprofit of their choice.

View Marilu’s official Legend page, including video and photos from her presentation ceremony.

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