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Patti Robinson Named Final Legend of 2015

Patti makes a profound impact on the lives of blind and visually impaired students by using volunteerism and a first-of-its-kind LEO club to connect them to their community.

RecognizeGood presented the 54th RecognizeGood® Legend award to Patti Robinson of Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) in a ceremony at the TSBVI Auditorium (1100 West 45th St., Austin, TX) on Tuesday, December 1, 2015.  As part of the presentation, All Blind Children of Texas received a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation from RecognizeGood in Patti’s name.

Patti Robinson first started serving others as a Girl Scout Brownie in the second grade. She couldn’t have known then what an impact she’d make on others over the course of her life. For Patti, serving others has simply always been a part of her life. She passed that spirit of community service on to a new generation in a special way.

Soon after graduating from the University of Texas, Patti applied for a job at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI). She recently celebrated her 35th year working for TSBVI. Additionally, Patti made her biggest impact on the lives of TSBVI students by connecting them to the community around them. Her first attempt was through Scouts and now, as a member of the Austin Downtown Founder Lions Club she has formed a LEO Club. This club is the first of its kind at TSBVI for visually impaired students. LEO stands for: Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. Futhermore, Patti’s forged a meaningful, lifelong connection between those students and the Lions Clubs in their home communities. They share the common goal of service to others in Texas and around the globe. Beyond her LEO Club, Patti’s involvement in the community seems endless.

As a 2015 Legend, Patti is now eligible to participate in RecognizeGood’s Say Thanks Austin campaign, an annual event which presents the Austin area with a unique opportunity to say “thank you” to a group of remarkable individuals who contribute their time and talents to our community. The participant with the most Thank You votes receives a pay-it-forward donation of $10,000 to the nonprofit of their choice.

View Patti’s official Legend page, including video and photos from her presentation ceremony.

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