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Rick Cross is Passionate about Helping Artist and Art From The Streets

From the streets to art, Rick Cross has given incalculable love and over 3,378 volunteer hours to those at Art From The Streets

Art From The Streets offers free art studios for persons experiencing homelessness, at risk, or in transition through its Open Studio program. The studio offers art supplies for persons to paint and create and the opportunity to sell their work for a modest income. 12 years ago Art From The Street’s mission and atmosphere spoke to Rick, a fellow designer, so he decided to try volunteering with ATFS and he never left!

Rick began volunteering in Open Studio every week giving positive support, setting up art supplies for artists to create, and enjoying the friendships created with the artists and volunteers and is now the Open Studio lead.  As AFTS has grown and evolved, Rick has been there to help make it happen. He is tireless and known for jumping in to help wherever he is needed and always wanting to do more happily with a quick smile and amazing laugh!

To celebrate Rick and his passion to help AFTS’s artists and making sure AFTS’s community art shows are a success, we gathered at Art From The Streets Studio to say, “Thank You!” In recognition of Rick, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation in his name to Art From The Streets.

Special thank you to Art From The Streets for hosting us and to Crown Trophy for a beautiful award donation to Rick.

To learn more about Rick, see photos from his Legend Ceremony, and learn more about Art From The Streets visit his Legend page!

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