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RG Lighthouse - Seeds of Strength

Seeds of Strength has raised over $1,800,000 and have given 118 nonprofit grants.

Since 2009, Seeds of Strength giving circle has donated over $1,800,000 and funded over 110 grants, all in service to the Georgetown community.

“Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” This quote inspired 13 women in Georgetown to start a giving circle in 2009 with the aim of identifying and addressing needs in their community. Drawing from the quote, they named their group, to emphasize that it only takes a couple of small seeds to grow into something strong to benefit their surroundings. Since then, the group has grown to over 240 women from various backgrounds ranging in age from 20-something to 90-something.

The Giving Circle provides the opportunity for members of the Georgetown community to pool their resources together and vote collectively to award local nonprofits with much needed funding. With a mission to “…connect with the Georgetown community, enrich lives through fellowship, and award grants to nonprofits as selected by our members,” Seeds of Strength has benefited many nonprofits over the years, totaling 118 grants and over $1,800,000 in funds raised.

In 2022, Seeds of Strength raised $185,000 to distribute to nonprofit organizations that serve the greater Georgetown community. Grant recipients present and past include the Boys and Girls Club of GeorgetownHabitat for Humanity Williamson CountyEpilepsy Foundation of Central and South Texas, and among many, many more. The organization makes their donation each May in the spirit of their name.

Seeds of Strength is looking to keep growing their garden with a goal of raising $230,000 in 2023 and expanding their membership to 300+ in coordination with their theme of Sharing the Strength: Expanding Our Reach. If you are a woman who is interested in serving the greater Georgetown area, consider joining today.

RecognizeGood presented this incredible group with a certificate, a $1,000 donation for their charity of choice, CareBOX Program, and complimentary seats to the 2023 Ethics in Business Awards luncheon.

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