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Town & Country Optimist Club Volunteer Kathy Manning Recognized

Kathy has impacted tens of thousands of Central Texas kids, running affordable youth sports for Town & Country Optimist Club for the past 30 years.

RecognizeGood honored Kathy Manning with the 67th RecognizeGood® Legend award in a presentation at Town & Country Optimist Club Office (9100 Meadowheath Drive, Austin, TX 78729) beginning at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, August 22, 2017. During this event, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation to Town & Country Optimist Club in Kathy’s name.

After 30 years of volunteerism most of us might be ready to slow things down. For Kathy Manning of Town & Country Optimist Club, however, things are getting bigger and better as she plays a vital role in providing youth sports to over 1,000 local children each year. Kathy founded both the club’s volleyball and girls basketball programs over 25 years ago, and has been running both along with the boys basketball program ever since. Kathy has proven herself to be a volunteer virtuoso over the years, coordinating volunteer coaches along with practice and game schedules, plus using her creativity to keep her leagues affordable for all kids.

As a 2017 Legend, Kathy is now eligible to participate in RecognizeGood’s Say Thanks Austin campaign, an annual event which presents Central Texas with a unique opportunity to say “thank you” to a group of remarkable individuals who contribute their time and talents to our community. The participant with the most Thank You votes receives a pay-it-forward donation of $10,000 to the nonprofit of their choice.

View Kathy’s official Legend page, including video and photos from her presentation ceremony.

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