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35 years and over 3.5 million meals later, Frank Deutsch is still serving those in need

Frank R. Deutsch began feeding people through the Angel House Soup Kitchen in 1986 – 35 years and over 3.5 million meals later, he’s still serving.

Frank still dishes out soup from the same pot he used to serve his first guest in 1986, though, and even after 35 years, he continues to serve meals to our most vulnerable in a way that provides encouragement, respect, and dignity. The Angel House Soup Kitchen serves around 400 people every day, offering both breakfast and lunch seven days a week, showers, and access to a free clothing closet each Saturday. For over three decades, Frank has built a team that has built a thriving system of partnerships and people. Restaurants, grocery stores, and warehouse-style discount centers donate a majority of the food, and funds made available through the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering help make up the difference. Workers from businesses, churches, and civic organizations give their time.

To celebrate Frank and his 35 years of helping others, we gathered at Austin Baptist Chapel-Angel House Soup Kitchen. In recognition of Frank, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 donation in his name to Angel House Soup Kitchen.

Special thanks to the Austin Baptist Chapel team for hosting the group, the many volunteers and children of Frank who joined us, the TyRex staff, and Crown Trophy for a beautiful award donation to Frank.

To read more on Frank, check out pictures from his Legend Ceremony, and learn more about Angel House Soup Kitchen visit his Legend page

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