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For 18 years, Aline Garcia Weinheimer has helped countless children and families in the foster system

For 18 years, Aline Garcia Weinheimer has helped countless children and families in the foster system receive much-needed love and personal items during the most difficult times in their lives.

Aline has volunteered and supported Partnerships for Children, specifically taking on the Rainbow Room at the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as her special project.  She has filled the Rainbow Room with everything from clothing to toiletries to infant formula. Aline has spent over 400 hours shopping and $60,0000 for clothing and hygiene items for those children and families in the foster system. Aline’s work with the Rainbow Room makes sure that foster children regularly receive the things they need to live normal lives. 

To celebrate Aline and her 18 years of helping those in the foster care system, we gathered in the Rainbow Room with Partnerships for Children staff, Aline’s family and members of the TyRex staff to say, “Thank You!” In recognition of Aline, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 pay-it-forward donation in her name to Partnerships for Children.

Special thank you to Partnerships for Children’s staff for hosting us and Crown Trophy for a beautiful award donation to Aline.

To learn more about Aline, see photos from her Legend Ceremony, and learn more about Partnerships for Children visit her Legend page!

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