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From training volunteers to mentoring, Miguel Stoupignan is an asset of immeasurable value to our community

With over 1,600 volunteer hours and more than 350 mentees through Foundation Communities, Miguel Stoupignan has shared his knowledge in a huge way by teaching financial literacy that leads to a better life.

For eight years, Miguel Stoupignan, has made a huge impact on our community and that of non-profit, Foundation Communities. While volunteering with Foundations Communities, Miguel has helped lead and train volunteers while serving on the FC’s Volunteer Leadership Team, offered financial mentorship, and run his team of volunteers within the Foundation Communities Tax Help Program.

To celebrate Miguel and his dedication to helping our community through Foundation Communities and Foundation Communities Tax Help Program, we gathered at Foundation Communities main office. RecognizeGood presented Miguel with a $1,000 donation made to Foundation Communities in his name.

Special thanks to the Foundation Communities team for hosting the group, the many volunteers, staff and family members that came to celebrate Miguel; the TyRex staff, and Crown Trophy for a beautiful award donation to Miguel.

To learn more about Miguel, see photos from his Legend Ceremony, and learn more about Foundation Communities visit his Legend page

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