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Local Bat City legend, Dr. Merlin Tuttle, has given more than 60 years to bat conservation and education efforts

After more than 60 years of bat conservation and education efforts (many of them as a volunteer), the driving force behind the preservation of the Austin Congress Avenue Bridge Bat colony Merlin Tuttle is a local Bat City legend.

At 81 years young, Dr. Merlin Tuttle is still sharing his knowledge as an ecologist, conservationist, writer, and wildlife photographer specializing in bat ecology. Dr. Tuttle continues to help make the world a better place by volunteering to teach others and travel the world helping to track, research, document and survey the many species of bats. In continuing his more than 60 years of conservation to help people understand that bats are important to a healthier human population and sustainable ecology thanks to all the benefits of bat who help create cleaner water, cleaner food, biodiversity, fewer pests in the air.

To celebrate Merlin and his more than 60 years of helping others, we gathered to say “Thank You” in person, and in recognition of Merlin, RecognizeGood made a $1,000 donation in his name to Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation.

Special thanks to Merlin Tuttle and Paula Tuttle for hosting us in their home and, his friends and staff for joining us along with the TyRex staff, and Crown Trophy for the beautiful award donation to Merlin.

To read more on Merlin, check out pictures from his Legend Ceremony, and learn more about Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation visit his Legend page!

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