OUR GOAL: WE ILLUMINATE those around us doing good for good’s sake, and believe by making our gratitude public we have the chance to inspire others and pay good forward.

RecognizeGood’s Thank You Notes provide both physical and digital means for the illumination and sharing of everyday GOOD. Opportunities to show gratitude are endless, but by making a Thank You public at we have the chance to inspire others.

Who made a positive difference in your life?

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The RecognizeGood Thank You Wall

My cousins

Many kids can be ungreatful of small actions that make them become the person they would be now, so when the question “who are you greatful for” comes to them, their anwser would most likely be their mothers and fathers because they love them. Which is indeed true, love can affect a person in many ways. If there was no love in someone’s life I just couldn’t imgine living through it. Anyway as you grow older and move on, many people can start to realize just even the tinest things that they are make them who they are. So for me I can be greatful for A LOT of thing, even something as of me not living in bad family and how different I could have been if I just toke one wrong turn in life. but if had to pick somebody it would have to be my cousins, they havn’t affect me in some huge way, but just seeing them talking and hang out with me once awhile is just fine for me.


Everyone who have made good impacts on me

I am grateful for mostly everyone, a lot of people in my life have made good impacts on me as a person, I know the outline said to pick a specific person but I just cant decide because it just isn’t right to ignore all the people that have helped through out my childhood. Some examples, are all my teachers who have taught me enough to get into a prestigious middle school and hopefully my middle school teachers will teach me enough so I can get into a great high school. Some other examples are my family and my friends, they have helped me have fun a have new experiences life by either forcing me or just encouraging me to try new things that I end up enjoying. I hope you accept my application for the recognize good contest.


My Sister’s Boyfriend

This is quite a weird one but, I am grateful for my sister’s boyfriend (he is 20 and so is she) because he helped me become more active and motivated me to play football and stay outside more. He really motivated me because he used to be a high school football player and he is just a super nice person (from what I know). I am grateful for him because he saved me from just being a couch potato and staying unhealthy. He motivates me to become a better person and take care of myself however I can. They also gave me more tips on how to stay active and motivated because we went to a Navarro High School versus John F. Kennedy (Navarro lost 50-0 really sad) and we just hit it off we started talking about the game and sports it was a really fun experience and I wish we could’ve stayed there forever. Overall they motivated me to become a better me and how to take care of myself so I am grateful for that.


My Grandma

i am grateful for my grandma. My grandma took me and my brother in after my mom and sister passed away when no one would. she gives me everything i need and me and her are like best friends in a way. She is nice and she takes care of me and talks to me when im down. she also helps me with girls and with bulling. She takes me places so we can have fun. she gives me space when i have a problem with her. She ask me if im hungry like every 15 minutes so she knows if she needs to make me something. Thats why im greatful



Someone I am grateful for is dr.prabhakaran because with out her I would not be here and i know that you may be like what does she mean ok so I got diagnosed with type one diabetes on december 19th so what happened was the week before i actually went into the hospital me and my mom both thought i had a stomach bug because i was throwing up everything i ate or drink also i was on bed rest because i could barely walk. so my mom and i finally decided to go to the emergency room so they did the regular checkup that you get at like your doctor’s office and then they check my SUGAR and my sugar was 600.  then they put me in a room and i couldn’t eat or drink anything for five days because i would just throw it up then doctor P came in the room and diagnosed me with type one diabetes. but that’s the story of how i got diabetes but the main reason why i’m writing this is doctor P is the person who helped me get used to diabets and she is also my inter cardiologist but without her i would not be here and that is why i am so grateful to have her in my life. and if you were to pick my story i would donate to the national diabetes society to help people like me.

with love nichelle


My Mom

I am grateful for my mom.  A few reasons why are she always helps me, helps keep things in order in our house, she cares for me (so does my dad), and is hard working. First reason she helps me. She always is ready to help me with a word I don’t understand, homework, etc. An example is when I am reading books I can go in her office and she will give me an explanation and it helps me a lot. Secondly when I have questions about home work she will help explain a little more in detailed. Next she is always getting things to keep my room and the rest of the house organized. Both of my parents take care of me. If I need help cooking she will always assist me. Help me clean my room and more. One of the main examples is my mom is hard working is she has been waking up at 12:00 pm and 4:00 am and has been helping people fly out from Afghanistan. She has been helping a Texan family pass to the airport to fly them back here.


Good Matters

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